Click here for BEACH Catch Reports
Craig posted this from Dover ( 26 Jan)
Rye comes alive...( 27 June)
Just had this in from Kevin..."Hi Tony , managed to get out from Rye today , left at sunrise for a day on the wrecks , plenty of pollock on wrecks , some Jumbo Mackerel, few Bass, and couple of large Wrasse, no monsters but good fun on light gear , tried for some early bream on wrecks but the only willing party was Brown Bream (pout!!) managed to get the triple though with a codling just under 5lb , Bass and pollock off same wreck , nice cooling breeze , pleasant day to be afloat and beats work !!"
Summer bream are here...( 12 June)
Great weather to be afloat ( 14 May)
I saw this post from Jem Oiller yesterday...
Off and running...( 7 May)
I saw this report posted on Peganina Fishing this weekend, nice fish, not sure what species...but looks familiar... "Great start to the season in Mevagissey lots of ground to explore still for booking please call me on 07989778361 Cheers Ant"
Just had this in from Ant ( 13 March)
From deepest Cornwall...
The times they are changing...
Managed to get out from Rye today
We left harbour to a stunning sunrise , plan was to head out try and get our quota of Bass then get into some Bream , sounded good !! After filling every box with Tuna sized mackerel last week we struggled to find them today , having scrapped enough live bait together we headed to our bass wreck , problem, no tide at all and no tide means no bass , tried for some bream and with no tide we struggled this morning , once the tide changed the bream came out to play , I also hooked a monster lobster on light bream gear with a 1/0 hook which we unhooked and returned , thought we were going to cook today after yesterday, but cloudy all day with sea mist but still warm , Also witnessed a large Bluefin Tuna jumping clear of the water some 50 m from the boat. A nice chilling day was had by all. Tight lines."
"Boys absolutely smashed it today, no monsters but plenty of them until we had a first....Massive dog seal followed a conger up (conger went berserk, he was at the top and went hell for leather for the sea bed) and as if you had flicked a switch, not one more bite! Lol. As if the wind wasn't enough, now we have to hide from the seals too😂 Had it with mackerel but never a conger!!
"What can only be described as challenging conditions today, as we started this seasons conger campaign. Boys fished very well 👌🏽Think the eels offshore might be a bit sleepy still though or got the hump with NE wind like everyone else! Cheers Ant."

"Haven’t put report in for ages we have been battling some heavy weather but when we have got out we have had some lovely fish. Still have some space this season, which finishes on the 11th of December. Will be opening up the diary for next year very soon too! Cheers Ant"
"Bit of a late report another epic day on Friday tuna, Dolphin’s and thresher in the spread we have space on Monday and Tuesday this week drop me text if your interested. Cheers Ant and Steve"
Searching for a good'n ( 19 September)I saw this email posted yesterday by Jem Oiller...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today. Not alot going on today, but we tried our hardest, the water was cloudy even 4 miles off, due to the North, North West winds we have had recently making strong Ebb Tide. Only 1 Mackarel all day plus a few Horse Mackarel. Andrew Buss managed to boat a nice Bass, going just over 7 lb on a live bait, could not find the Bream any where. Ended up scratching out 1 or 2 Thornback to end the Day. Getting better and better...(13 September)I had this email from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) out of Mevagissey..."What an amazing although very challenging three days, we literally went through the whole play book on Saturday's trip - used every size and colour lure we had. Resulted in 14 strikes, 2 hook ups but only made one stick. On Sunday we managed to get one more alongside, tagged and away then on Monday we got 3 alongside, along with probably one of the most amazing sights in my 32 years at sea! We only had the mother of all threshers in our spread trying it’s best to stun our lures! It’s really starting to switch on literally fish everywhere, alas they are on the small side…….. (didnt think I’d ever be saying a 150lb fish is small lol!). Weathered down today so doing bookings and gear maintenance ready for tomorrow!! Very special shout out to Beckie Barham - Peggy’s first ever female angler to tame an 150lb blue fin another truly epic three days on the boat long may it continue 🤙🤙🤙"Wow what a fish...( 9 September)I had this email from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) out of Mevagissey...Record breaking day for the boat and a day I’ll probably never forget….. our smallest fish ever 56” around 100lb and our biggest fish ever 103” around 750lb!! I've never seen anything like it - it was huge and Stuart did an epic job bringing the beast along side the boat. We had to chase it down as it emptied over half the reel then having to manoeuvre the boat round fishing gear and then just seeing it break the surface was an unbelievable site!! Me and Stevey still have some weekends left this season and a fair bit of room mid weeks. £750 for the boat £200 an individual space drop us a text if you fancy it. Cheers AntCracking triple shot ( 5 September)I had this email from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) out of Mevagissey,,,"Managed to sneak out yesterday in a small break in the weather and we were rewarded with 3 very healthy Bluefin’s and a very happy Dan and Foggy! Weathered down for a couple of days but hopefully we'll be back out at the end of the week. I have spaces on individual trips coming up next week if any one is interested, drop me a text Cheers Ant"
Its been tough going...( 31 August)I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) out of Mevagissy for the summer..."Another hard week in the office last week, boat wasn’t playing ball again!!! Completely stripped the stern gear again but with some more modifications I am writing this with full confidence that we have it right now!! In regards to fishing it was nails! We took her to the moon and back looking but not really seeing that many fish until Saturday when we landed this beaut, and saw more fish than we had over the full two weeks we'd spent in Cornwall. Alas we couldn’t hook them - the weed was a very big pain but onwards and upwards, we'll let this weather pass through and me and Stevey will be out there!! Still have space the season for full boat charters (£750) individuals (£200 PP Max of 4 on the boat) drop me a text Cheers Ant"The first of many...( 16 August)I had this report in tonight from Anthony..."Tremendous effort from Kev at the young age of 75 landing a 350lb bluefin!! Fishing at the moment is very tough to say the least but we got there!! We have space on the 27th and 29th of this month. Cheers, Ant and Steve"
Plenty of beautiful bass...( 1 August)
Enjoy a taste of summer...( 23 July)
Great days...enjoy...( 21 July)
I had this report in lunchtime from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
So much fun in the sun...(18 July)
I saw this report posted by Jem Oiller yesterday...
The countdown has started...( 7 July)
I had this report in from Anthony of Peganina (07989778361) fame...
"Meet The Crew
So me, David (Owner of the Legendary Charter boat Che Sara Sara of Newquay, my old boss, old owner of Peganina and the man who pretty much gave me a chance to get in to the job) and Steve (aka Tuna Steve 😂, another tuna nut and very good friend of mine who I fish with regulary) completed our compulsory tuna training in Falmouth Yesterday! Massive thank you to #cefas for a very well run course, also a special thank you to Irish tuna legend Andrain Molloy (Deep Blue), Mark Jury (Fortuna) and Chris Gill (Cutty Shark/Aquila) for sharing their amazing wealth of experience and knowledge!!! A brief run down of the course: Day 1, Tuna History, aims of the Project, ICCAT Regulations, Tagging & Data Collection, Tagging Practical and Recovery/Release. Day 2 Therory of the gear, Multiple Practical sessions on literally everything there is to know about tuna fishing, a bit of boat handling and crew welfare! Second time I have done the course and I still learnt plenty!! Sizing up to be again a truly amazing project and honestly don’t believe it matters what boat you book on it will be a trip of a lifetime roll on August the 15th!!"
Managed to get out from Rye today flat calm seas all day , plan was to go wreck hopping to see what was about, had a great day we ended up with box full of nice size pollock and late in the day this one turned up went like a train after numerous dives managed to net it we were shocked how fat it was and hit the scales at just under 20lb brought back memories of 30 years ago when we used to regally catch that size out of Brighton on the deep water wreck's , also had small codling, mackerel, scad and of course the good old wreck pout"

"Well what can I say my Sunday best crew on a Friday, absolutely on fire today heavy fishing from the off, lovely to see there are still fish around!"
One Man and his Rod, Target Species Caught, a nice autumn day with a light SSW Breeze, Nathan Levi Smith aboard today tried his hardest to catch a Cod, result one 4 lb er, too many strap Congers to keep a bait on the bottom for more than 5 minutes.
Happy Days."
We went Thursday left early as sun was rising what a great day to be afloat weather forecast was spot on for once
Started off wreck hoping had pollock & Bass then the plan was to anchor up and enjoy the flat calm seas for once with Black bream the target started well then the Pout came and destroyed any bait that hit the bottom time for a move, waited till the tide turned and anchored another wreck we had bream the rest of the day with a mixture of bass, pollock, mackerel, Scad, skate biggest 15lb, Whitting, pout, Lance lovely day to be afloat. Sent from my iPhone"
This report I saw posted yesterday from Jerry Oiller...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today. A Day of many Species, Shirley had the best Codling, 5 or 6 Pollock caught, 12 Bream, ,Skate, Tope, Smooth Hound, plaice, 11 species in all. Happy Days"

"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness. Dave Foggy Robinson aboard today along with one other, Dave on good form as usual, landing a nice plump Turbot ( Target Species ) and a 5lb Bass, a couple of Pollock and Black Bream also caught, Mackerel were hard to find for Bait. Happy Days.
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina from Rye...
"Absolute beast of fish no bite just a click click then a screaming racket as she picked the bait up and went for her house!! After finally stopping her with my doubled up zippy, tld 25 on full clutch and my thumb, she slowly started to come to the boat, deciding to swim in to the tide staying as deep she could. After multiple crash dives she was in the net - A very happy skipper!! Quick wrestle for a photo and then gently slipped through the stern door to watch her swim off strong!! Now thinking I might have go even heavier on the tackle to land my 100lber 🤣🤣🤣
A nice mixed bag for Jerry...( 11 July)
I saw this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness Beach...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness. A Beautiful day to be afloat, The Harper family aboard today, with a mixed bag of Fish. 3 good codling, 12 Pollock, 14 Black Bream and 2 strap Congers, Mackerel were a bit scarce but managed to get a few, another 5 smaller codling were also caught, but returned to fight another Day. Happy Days."
I saw this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness beach...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness. Beautiful day to be afloat, the Fishing was hard going, but Foggy Robinson tried his hardest as usual, resulting in a good Blond Ray, 3 Thornbacks and 2 Tope. Happy Days."
Enough is enough...( 19 June)
Well after twelve weeks of 'lockdown' I have decided to open Seagull Fishing Tackle from tomorrow. Back to Friday, Saturday and Sunday...we will see how it goes.
So many beautiful codling...( 16 June)
I had this report in from Ant this afternoon out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"A very happy David with a lovey plump codling. Fishing wasn’t easy - as normal! But with lots of hunting around we still managed 10 different species."
Good mixed bag...( 13 June)
Codling about 3 or 4 lbs, on one Drift, also caught 5 or 6 Pollock on the last of the Flood Tide. Anchored for the ebb, Tope, Bass, , Thornback caught. Happy days"
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"So finally back to sea today, and a good steady flow of fish all day! Very encouraging to see was the half dozen or so codling in between the pollock. As normal I am behind on my diary so if you have messaged me about a trip I will get back to you soon! Obviously with the current situation we are not running at full capacity and I only really want take small whole boat booking but as the weeks go on I will start running mixed crews again! Cheers Ant"
Dawn patrol...some great fishing ( 09 June)
Just seen this posted by Jerry Oiller taking out Fairchance launching from Dungeness....
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness. Dave Foggy Robinson aboard again today, Early start this Morning in the water by 5 50 am, a Beautiful Summer's Day, managed to boat a couple of nice Bass on live Mackerel, a couple of Thornbacks, Tope, and a show for a Mackerel. Happy Days."
What a load of pollocks ( 03 June)
I had this report in from Jerry Oiller launching from Dungeness
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today.
Self Isolating Dave Foggy Robinson aboard today, tried 5 or 6 Wrecks, hard going managed 6 or 7 Pollock and 1 small Codling, not a Mackerel to be had. Happy Days"
Cracking weather...Cracking fishing ( 27 May)
I had this report in this afternoon from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness
Another Happy Angler, Self Isolating Stewart Drifting the wrecks today, a rare 4 lb codling. Happy Days."
Jem in front...Dave at the back... ( 21 May)
I saw this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame (01797 363544) launching from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness
Dave Foggy Robinson, Distancing on his Own Today, Caught a Fine 40 lb Tope, and the Mackerel have turned up. A Beautiful day to be afloat. Happy Days."
Another report this time last year...we can dream...
Return of the plaice... ( 05 May)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Much better day on the Plaice this afternoon. Tim was top rod with around 20."
Another report this time last year...we can dream...
Summer come early... ( 02 May)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) yesterday from Rye...
"Hooked three and landed 2 small straps. Had some cracking bites considering the time of year - very encouraging also had a couple of codling and 7 pollock!!"
Another report this time last year...we can dream...
Cracking weather...lots of miles ( 29 April)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Lovely day afloat but fishing was a bit depressing if I am honest lots of miles of searching for turbots with no joy, still managed 9 species lots of mackerel, skates, a hound, pollocks, greater weevers, gurnards, herring, pouts and whiting tho."
Another report this day last year...we can dream...
Beautiful day for a plaice or two ( 20 April)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Few more plaice yesterday unfortunately I picked a rope up at the start of the trip so was restricted to 4kts making the day hard work. I have a couple of spaces on tomorrow's Plaice fishing trip if any one fancy’s it. Cheers"
I had put up on the beach page my story about a 'Winters Tale' and my fish of the week 'cod'...has generated some interest... here's Peter's story...
Another Dungeness Cod story:
Forty years ago on a cold winter morning my dad (Bob), my son (Darren) and myself (Peter) set off from Sevenoaks. We met Bob Tanner, the skipper, on the beach by his boat. After greasing the skids we slid the boat into the sea.
We set off around to the front of Dengemarsh about two miles out then Bob looked through his half binocular (he was blind in one eye) to get his land marks - no fish finders then.
We anchored, baited up and started. Large cod straight away - we caught seventeen over 8 lbs and we were putting codlings back for another day. All for £40 for the boat.
They were good days fishing with my Dad and Son and Bob Tanner.
Peter Cruickshank
As a point of interest Bob Tanners boat broke the Pollock record in 1987, a fish of 29lb still stands to this day.
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was published this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
Tough going but fish are there ( 09 April)
I had this report in from Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) launching from Rye...
"Russel with his best plaice from today’s trip"
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was published this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
Another sign, summers coming ( 07 April)
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) launched from Rye...
"Had some lovely big Grunters (tub gurnards) on today’s trip - another species I’d associate with summer. Won’t be long until the bream are on their way!"
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was published this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
Wall to wall thornies... ( 6 April)
I saw this on facebook yesterday posted by Jerry Oiller...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544. Derby Dynamic Duo, and Birthday Boy Nathan Levi Smith aboard today, managed to boat 26 Thornback Rays, well done, and Happy Birthday Nathan"
Will 'Mr Spiky' came out to play...( 04 April)
Well its good news from April the first until the last day of October we can take one (sizeable 42cm) bass a day so lets see if the bass come out to play this weekend...
Just in case you have forgotten what a bass looks like, here is a picture of one caught on Anthony's boat Peganina last year...
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was caught this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
More superb pollack...( 30 March last year)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Some of the pollock caught on today wrecking trip."
Corona-19 update...( 20 March )
I thought I would update you all on the current situation at Seagull Fishing Tackle due to Corona-19 virus...I have had to go into isolation for three months so the shop is closed. My son Anthony (of Peganina fame) said he would help where he could phone 07989778361.
The blogsite and facebook page will continue as please send me your catch reports as usual. Stay safe Tony Hills.
Great to be back out... ( 19 Mar )
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Pegania (07989778361) from Rye...
"So after all the bad weather we finally got back out - it wasn’t easy but we did the grind and it payed off!! Top rod on was John with a cracking codling and pollock."
At last, a change in bass regs... ( 29 Feb )
Tomorrow (1st March) the bass regulations change...yes you can take two sizeable fish a day...This from the Kent & Essex IFCA (Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority) website...
"Recreational bass regulations for ICES areas in the KEIFCA district (IVc and VIId):1 January 2020- 29 February 2020 and 1 – 31 December 2020, only catch-and-release fishing with a rod or a handline for European seabass shall be allowed. During those periods, it shall be prohibited to retain, relocate, tranship or land European seabass(a) 1 March 2020 – 30 November 2020, not more than two specimens of European seabass may be caught and retained per fisherman per day; the minimum size of European seabass retained shall be 42 cm."
Perfect day for Trevor...(09 Feb)
I had this report in last night from Trevor Bunney out on 'Elizabeth Jane' from Dungeness...
"Hi Tony,cracking day on the Rays today, local angler Steve from Ashford kent with a superb 14LB 6OZ Blonde ray, next up was Glen Stephenson with a Blonde just over 10LBS,the lads had plenty of thornbacks to 9LBS, to round off a perfect day, Martin from Ashford had a nice plump 3LB Codling, Well done guys !
Regards, Trevor"
Jerry shows them how to do it...(06 Feb)
I saw this report from Simon Newman out with Jerry Oiller on Fairchance (01797 363544) from Dungeness beach...
"Mr O with the best squid of the day on our exploratory squid trip. We're not with Stephen Collins, I have no idea why Facebook is saying he is here and I can't find out how to change it!
— with Jem Oiller and Stephen Collins."
The last flat calm day tomorrow...(06 Feb)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Champagne weather...crisp and calm...
"Had another one of these again today, pollock are bit shy still, some cracking gurnards, plenty of brown bream and you could have filled the boat up with rays - lovely day afloat!!"
The quiet before the storm...(05 Feb)
I had this report in from Anthony tonight out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Marvelous conditions, flat calm, and guess what...
"Tough day today but we still found a few fish!"
He just loves to get afloat...(01 Feb)
I saw this photo Ant posted on line last week...of a nice blonde ray...he was out 'freelancing' in his commercial rod and line boat...when he had no 'Charters' due to bad weather...he just loves fishing.
So lightning strikes twice...(24 Jan)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"So it wasn't a fluke - I have actually found them again!!! The lads had plenty of bream today also got in to the eels as it came dark!! I have spaces next weekend on offshore trips targeting bream, pollock and conger. Cheers Ant"
The sea is still July...(20 Jan)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Unbelievable yesterday I was congering today I ended up bream fishing!!! I've got spaces on offshore trips targeting bream and pollock end of the week. Cheers Ant"
Sunny day...catching a few rays...(19 Jan)
I saw this report posted by Jerry Oiller who was out today from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today. Plenty of Thornbacks, landed on the Deck today for the Tenterden Crew caught 24, kept 15, the best going 12 lb, Dabs, Whiting and, dog fish also caught. Happy Days"
Climate changing...amazing...(19 Jan)
I had this report in Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Unbelievable really to still be congering in the middle of January, think we decked 9 and dropped a few more on the way up. Photo is of Garath with his new PB conger. I have spaces tomorrow on a wrecking trip leaving at 9 give us a shout if you fancy it 07989778361 Cheers Ant"
Well, well a tasty start to the year...(18 Jan)
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina ( 07989778361) out from Rye...
"Think Arthur's face says it all!"
Start 2020 with mackerel, squid...(05 Jan)
I had this report in this evening from Jerry Oiller out on Fairchance from Dungeness beach...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today.
The 20 20 Squid Season is under way, a nice day Drifting mid Channel for the Squid today, managed to boat 27 good sized ones, plenty of Mackerel and Tub Gurnard also caught ,a nice day to be afloat. Happy Days".
Kicking off the New Year in style...(05 Jan)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye this afternoon...
"Some photos from the last week at sea - it’s been tough going, lots of steaming around looking although today was considerably better on the pollock - over 25 plus boated!!"
Happy New Year to you all...(31 Dec)
Welcome to the start of 2020...will the fishing be better or worse...with the changing climate only time will tell...but I'm looking forward to the 'roaring twenties'.
Good mixed bag for 'Foggy'... ( 19 Dec)
I had this report in last night from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today. Dave Foggy Robinson aboard today along with Mr Newman, Dave tried for a Thornback, managed to scratch out 5, he also had a good Spurdog. ..returned, ,,and a reasonable Smooth Hound, Mackerel and Large Whiting also caught. Mr Newman fished for Squid and Turbot, with no success. Happy Days."
Nice sunny day...nice brace... ( 9 Dec)
I had this report in today from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Garath with his brace of pollock from Saturday’s wrecking trip."
The day turned out well... ( 6 Dec)
I saw this from Jerry Oiller last night...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today.
The Three Amigos, in the Boat today, Also known as the Goddard Brother's, Hard going today, but managed to boat 7 Thornback, the best going 12 lb, a good Spurdog Mackerel Tub Gurnards Some good Whiting and plenty of dogfish! A pleasant day to be afloat, with a cheerful Crew. Happy Days."
Gone with the wind...just check ( 5 Dec)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Sorry for the late report, Tuesday's conger trip and Wednesday’s turbot trip were both very challenging days due to the absolutely none existent Ebb tide, although saying that we still managed 4 and half’s eels (I lost mine at the leader) Tuesday and on Wednesday after 3 hours of waiting for the tide and no turbots we went for plan B, I had 8 squid myself and the other lads had a few too and loads of monster Tub Gurnards so they still went home with loads for the Pot. Looks like few days off now looking at the forecast."
Now for something different... ( 3 Dec)
I saw this report in from Jerry Oiller this evening...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today
New Horizons
With the lack of Cod at the moment, we thought of trying something Different , Squiding, Hey Presto 32 squid and 6 good Cuttlefish, well done Chris Bob and Simon you tried Hard.
Happy Days."
Sunset at Rye...2c rather than 20c ( 3 Dec)
I had this photo from Anthony last night out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Not a catch report just a cracking photo...
Full of turbo's and silver ladies...( 2 Dec)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Thought we would try something different today, no monsters but plenty of fish and as many bass as you wanted (shame we can’t take any), a few turbots as well and the added bonus - not a whiting or dogfish in sight!!! The photo is of a very happy Bob with his tea."
A cracking Tope for Dave...( 19 Nov)
I had this report in this evening from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness beach...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today.
Dave Foggy Robinson aboard today, A Beautiful winters Day, Sea like a sheet of Glass and Fish to be Caught, Dave with a 38 lb Tope, caught uptide in a 120 ft of water, 4 Thornback Rays to 10lb, strings of Jumbo Mackerel, 3 or 4 Tub Gurnard, Greater Weavers. Dogfish and Whiting. Happy Days are Here Again.
A frosty start...great mixed bag...( 19 Nov)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Bream, pollock, mackerel, scad, pouts, gurnards and a lovely turbot off the wrecks today."
Great fishing...but not easy...( 17 Nov)
This report came in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Around 12 congers best one in the photo. Also had pollock, mackerel, scad, gurnard, squid, whiting, pouts. Strange old day 0415 start lots of lump in the water, rain till day light and then the tide never really got going so all in all great effort from the lads!!"
It's beats catching whiting ...( 17 Nov)
I saw this report posted by Jerry last night...
Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today
Foggy Robinson and Shirley Codling, in the Boat today along with Vince and Dave Knot, managed to boat 6 Thornback Rays and 4 or 5 Strap Congers, the Best Thornback caught by Shirley, around 10 lbs.
The 'thorny' question...cod? ...( 14 Nov)
I saw this report from Jerry out yesterday from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today
Cod fishing in the East Bay. Not so Happy Days."
Quality pollock still to be had ...( 10 Nov)
I had this report in from Anthony this afternoon out on Peganina (0798977361) from Rye...
"Jack with a cracking pollock from yesterday’s trip."
The hard work pays off...( 6 Nov)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"The Lads smashed it today weren’t an easy day, fish took some finding but we had it off in the end!!! Frank had best bream of the season well over 3 and half lb"
Plenty of bream keeps you warm...( 6 Nov)
I had this report in from Anthony this morning out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Still flying aboard yesterday"
A beautiful autumn day for Jerry...( 29 Oct)
I saw this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame last night...
Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today
Foggy Robinson and Colin Burden in the Boat today, managed to boat 4 Thornback Rays, The best going 14lb, and 6 strap Congers to 18 lb ,a Beautiful Autumnal Day.
Things that go bang in the night...( 28 Oct)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"13 year old Harley smashed out two eels on last night's eel trip - amazing effort, especially considering how cold it was too!!"
Breamin as the sun goes down...( 27 Oct)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Plenty of bream for us today I have space on tomorrow trip leaving at half 11 doing the same, playing offshore on the wrecks. Give us a shout if you fancy it! Cheers Ant"
Nice autumn conger...( 23 Oct)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Russ smashed his Pb conger - well done mate! Still good numbers of plump bream but it was slower than yesterday."
Another 'black' day for Peganina..( 23 Oct)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"What a day yesterday was, the weather was amazing with plenty of very stroppy, plumb black bream being railed as well as squid, cuttle, pollock, mackerel, scad, John Dory and of course those little brown darlings!!"
Jem skating in the East Bay ( 21 Oct)
I saw this from Jerry Oiller posted last night...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today.
Skating in the East Bay, Local lads in the Boat today, managed to boat a Dozen Thornback Rays to --12 lb, a couple of small congers plenty of Whiteing and dog fish and still a few Mackerel. Happy Days."
The sea 5 degrees warmer than air( 20 Oct)
I had this report in from Anthony this afternoon out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Back on these little beauties today."
There is still time for Mrs 'Big'...( 19 Oct)
I had this report in from Anthony today out on Pegania (07989778361) from Rye..."4 eels for us today no monsters but nice to get back out."
Fish with attitude...and teeth... ( 13 Oct)
I had this report in from Trevor Bunny out on Elizabeth Jane launching from Dungeness...
"Hi Tony, Kent angler Gary Greenhill with a 42lb Tope and Essex angler Dave Parkin with a 36lb Tope fishing on board Elizabeth Jane today, Regards Trevor"
The bream machine rolls on... ( 7 Oct)
I had this report in today from Anthony out on Peganina (079897783361) from Rye...
"Good feed for Terry today!"
Red letter day for Peganina ( 5 Oct)
This report came in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye..."Amazing bream fishing at the moment - Over 150 bream today between 4 lads, most over 2lb best going just over 3lb!!"
Cracking thornback for Fairchance ( 5 Oct)
I had this report in last night from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance Launching from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness
Only 2 crew aboard today, the going was a bit slow, not much ebb Tide, managed to boat 4 or 5 Thornback Rays, The Best going 15lb, dog fish, mackerel and Whiting also caught, Damp Days."
Working hard for...quality bream ( 22 Sept)
Just had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Made the most of today’s tiny weather window!! Absolutely no ebb tide meant that our only option was to anchor, with the wind resulting in having to re anchor the wreck 4 times as the wind veered round - although it was worth it as we had more lovely Black bream, pollock, brown bream and a shed load of mackerel!!"
A nice mixed bag for Jerry... ( 22 Sept)
I had this report from Jerry Oiller last night...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness. A mixture of Fish today, Robbie with a plump Turbot, Tope, Smooth Hound, Thornback, gernard, Plenty of Bream and Mackerel. Happy Days"
When it's tough going... ( 18 Sept)
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Bloody hard work today Because of the short sharp sea the boat was constantly pitching and rolling, she bounced her anchor out twice, after the third move we finally got a good hold which meant the boys finally got on the fish producing bass, pollock, skate, brown bream and good numbers of stunning black bream!! Great effort all round!!"
A perfect dozen for Jerry... ( 16 Sept)
Self Isolating Dave Foggy Robinson aboard today, tried 5 or 6 Wrecks, hard going managed 6 or 7 Pollock and 1 small Codling, not a Mackerel to be had. Happy Days"
Cracking weather...Cracking fishing ( 27 May)
Another Happy Angler, Self Isolating Stewart Drifting the wrecks today, a rare 4 lb codling. Happy Days."
Jem in front...Dave at the back... ( 21 May)
Dave Foggy Robinson, Distancing on his Own Today, Caught a Fine 40 lb Tope, and the Mackerel have turned up. A Beautiful day to be afloat. Happy Days."
"Much better day on the Plaice this afternoon. Tim was top rod with around 20."
Another report this time last year...we can dream...
Summer come early... ( 02 May)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) yesterday from Rye...
"Hooked three and landed 2 small straps. Had some cracking bites considering the time of year - very encouraging also had a couple of codling and 7 pollock!!"
Another report this time last year...we can dream...
Cracking weather...lots of miles ( 29 April)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Lovely day afloat but fishing was a bit depressing if I am honest lots of miles of searching for turbots with no joy, still managed 9 species lots of mackerel, skates, a hound, pollocks, greater weevers, gurnards, herring, pouts and whiting tho."
Another report this day last year...we can dream...
Beautiful day for a plaice or two ( 20 April)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Few more plaice yesterday unfortunately I picked a rope up at the start of the trip so was restricted to 4kts making the day hard work. I have a couple of spaces on tomorrow's Plaice fishing trip if any one fancy’s it. Cheers"
I had put up on the beach page my story about a 'Winters Tale' and my fish of the week 'cod'...has generated some interest... here's Peter's story...
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was published this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
Tough going but fish are there ( 09 April)
I had this report in from Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) launching from Rye...
"Russel with his best plaice from today’s trip"
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was published this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
Another sign, summers coming ( 07 April)
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) launched from Rye...
"Had some lovely big Grunters (tub gurnards) on today’s trip - another species I’d associate with summer. Won’t be long until the bream are on their way!"
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was published this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
Wall to wall thornies... ( 6 April)
I saw this on facebook yesterday posted by Jerry Oiller...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544. Derby Dynamic Duo, and Birthday Boy Nathan Levi Smith aboard today, managed to boat 26 Thornback Rays, well done, and Happy Birthday Nathan"
Will 'Mr Spiky' came out to play...( 04 April)
Well its good news from April the first until the last day of October we can take one (sizeable 42cm) bass a day so lets see if the bass come out to play this weekend...
Just in case you have forgotten what a bass looks like, here is a picture of one caught on Anthony's boat Peganina last year...
I know we are going through very difficult times...but to try and cheer you up I thought I would post "what was caught this day last year" just to give you a bit of a fish enjoy...
More superb pollack...( 30 March last year)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Some of the pollock caught on today wrecking trip."
Corona-19 update...( 20 March )
I thought I would update you all on the current situation at Seagull Fishing Tackle due to Corona-19 virus...I have had to go into isolation for three months so the shop is closed. My son Anthony (of Peganina fame) said he would help where he could phone 07989778361.
The blogsite and facebook page will continue as please send me your catch reports as usual. Stay safe Tony Hills.
Great to be back out... ( 19 Mar )
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Pegania (07989778361) from Rye...
"So after all the bad weather we finally got back out - it wasn’t easy but we did the grind and it payed off!! Top rod on was John with a cracking codling and pollock."
At last, a change in bass regs... ( 29 Feb )
Tomorrow (1st March) the bass regulations change...yes you can take two sizeable fish a day...This from the Kent & Essex IFCA (Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority) website...
I had this report in last night from Trevor Bunney out on 'Elizabeth Jane' from Dungeness...
Jerry shows them how to do it...(06 Feb)
I saw this report from Simon Newman out with Jerry Oiller on Fairchance (01797 363544) from Dungeness beach...
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Champagne weather...crisp and calm...
"Had another one of these again today, pollock are bit shy still, some cracking gurnards, plenty of brown bream and you could have filled the boat up with rays - lovely day afloat!!"
The quiet before the storm...(05 Feb)
I had this report in from Anthony tonight out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Marvelous conditions, flat calm, and guess what...
"Tough day today but we still found a few fish!"
He just loves to get afloat...(01 Feb)
I saw this photo Ant posted on line last week...of a nice blonde ray...he was out 'freelancing' in his commercial rod and line boat...when he had no 'Charters' due to bad weather...he just loves fishing.
So lightning strikes twice...(24 Jan)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"So it wasn't a fluke - I have actually found them again!!! The lads had plenty of bream today also got in to the eels as it came dark!! I have spaces next weekend on offshore trips targeting bream, pollock and conger. Cheers Ant"
The sea is still July...(20 Jan)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Unbelievable yesterday I was congering today I ended up bream fishing!!! I've got spaces on offshore trips targeting bream and pollock end of the week. Cheers Ant"
Sunny day...catching a few rays...(19 Jan)
I saw this report posted by Jerry Oiller who was out today from Dungeness...
I had this report in Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Unbelievable really to still be congering in the middle of January, think we decked 9 and dropped a few more on the way up. Photo is of Garath with his new PB conger. I have spaces tomorrow on a wrecking trip leaving at 9 give us a shout if you fancy it 07989778361 Cheers Ant"
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina ( 07989778361) out from Rye...
"Think Arthur's face says it all!"
Start 2020 with mackerel, squid...(05 Jan)
I had this report in this evening from Jerry Oiller out on Fairchance from Dungeness beach...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today.
The 20 20 Squid Season is under way, a nice day Drifting mid Channel for the Squid today, managed to boat 27 good sized ones, plenty of Mackerel and Tub Gurnard also caught ,a nice day to be afloat. Happy Days".
Kicking off the New Year in style...(05 Jan)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye this afternoon...
"Some photos from the last week at sea - it’s been tough going, lots of steaming around looking although today was considerably better on the pollock - over 25 plus boated!!"
Welcome to the start of 2020...will the fishing be better or worse...with the changing climate only time will tell...but I'm looking forward to the 'roaring twenties'.
Good mixed bag for 'Foggy'... ( 19 Dec)
I had this report in last night from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness...
I had this report in today from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Garath with his brace of pollock from Saturday’s wrecking trip."
The day turned out well... ( 6 Dec)
I saw this from Jerry Oiller last night...
Gone with the wind...just check ( 5 Dec)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Sorry for the late report, Tuesday's conger trip and Wednesday’s turbot trip were both very challenging days due to the absolutely none existent Ebb tide, although saying that we still managed 4 and half’s eels (I lost mine at the leader) Tuesday and on Wednesday after 3 hours of waiting for the tide and no turbots we went for plan B, I had 8 squid myself and the other lads had a few too and loads of monster Tub Gurnards so they still went home with loads for the Pot. Looks like few days off now looking at the forecast."
Now for something different... ( 3 Dec)
I saw this report in from Jerry Oiller this evening...
I had this photo from Anthony last night out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Not a catch report just a cracking photo...
Full of turbo's and silver ladies...( 2 Dec)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Thought we would try something different today, no monsters but plenty of fish and as many bass as you wanted (shame we can’t take any), a few turbots as well and the added bonus - not a whiting or dogfish in sight!!! The photo is of a very happy Bob with his tea."
A cracking Tope for Dave...( 19 Nov)
I had this report in this evening from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness beach...
"Bream, pollock, mackerel, scad, pouts, gurnards and a lovely turbot off the wrecks today."
Great fishing...but not easy...( 17 Nov)
This report came in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today
Cod fishing in the East Bay. Not so Happy Days."
Quality pollock still to be had ...( 10 Nov)
I had this report in from Anthony this afternoon out on Peganina (0798977361) from Rye...
"Jack with a cracking pollock from yesterday’s trip."
The hard work pays off...( 6 Nov)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"The Lads smashed it today weren’t an easy day, fish took some finding but we had it off in the end!!! Frank had best bream of the season well over 3 and half lb"
Plenty of bream keeps you warm...( 6 Nov)
I had this report in from Anthony this morning out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Still flying aboard yesterday"
A beautiful autumn day for Jerry...( 29 Oct)
I saw this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame last night...
Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 Today
Foggy Robinson and Colin Burden in the Boat today, managed to boat 4 Thornback Rays, The best going 14lb, and 6 strap Congers to 18 lb ,a Beautiful Autumnal Day.
Things that go bang in the night...( 28 Oct)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"13 year old Harley smashed out two eels on last night's eel trip - amazing effort, especially considering how cold it was too!!"
Breamin as the sun goes down...( 27 Oct)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Plenty of bream for us today I have space on tomorrow trip leaving at half 11 doing the same, playing offshore on the wrecks. Give us a shout if you fancy it! Cheers Ant"
Nice autumn conger...( 23 Oct)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Russ smashed his Pb conger - well done mate! Still good numbers of plump bream but it was slower than yesterday."
Another 'black' day for Peganina..( 23 Oct)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"What a day yesterday was, the weather was amazing with plenty of very stroppy, plumb black bream being railed as well as squid, cuttle, pollock, mackerel, scad, John Dory and of course those little brown darlings!!"
Fish with attitude...and teeth... ( 13 Oct)
I had this report in from Trevor Bunny out on Elizabeth Jane launching from Dungeness...
"Hi Tony, Kent angler Gary Greenhill with a 42lb Tope and Essex angler Dave Parkin with a 36lb Tope fishing on board Elizabeth Jane today, Regards Trevor"
The bream machine rolls on... ( 7 Oct)
I had this report in today from Anthony out on Peganina (079897783361) from Rye...
This report came in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye..."Amazing bream fishing at the moment - Over 150 bream today between 4 lads, most over 2lb best going just over 3lb!!"
Cracking thornback for Fairchance ( 5 Oct)
Only 2 crew aboard today, the going was a bit slow, not much ebb Tide, managed to boat 4 or 5 Thornback Rays, The Best going 15lb, dog fish, mackerel and Whiting also caught, Damp Days."
I had this report in from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544.
Glen Carter and friends in the Boat today, Managed to boat 40 Bream, 2 Thornbacks, a couple of plump Turbot, Pollock, Smooth hound, plaice, Gurnard, plenty of Mackerel 12 Species in all. Happy Days"
A lovely day for a conger... ( 14 Sept)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Superb bream fishing... ( 11 Sept)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony of Peganina (07989778361) out of Rye...
This report came in tonight from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame...
Fairchance fishing Dungeness 01797 363544 The Boss, Mr Newman and the Essex Duo aboard today, Simon with a 4 lb codling, that was released, also caught a 30 lb Tope 4 Thornback Rays 10 Bream and a few other odds and sods, No Ebb Tide at all today wich affected the Fishing, in my opinion. Not so Happy Days. — with Simon Newman.
I had this report in from Anthony on Peganina out of Rye...
Here is another report from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Well the fishing been pretty steady I must say, here are few photos from last few trips."
St Peters fish for Jack... ( 26 August)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
Cracking fishing with Jerry... ( 25 August)
I saw this report yesterday from Jerry Oiller out on Fairchance from Dungeness beach...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness. Decided to leave the Bream alone again today, and try for a better fish, came up trumps with the Bass, Three Blond Rays, 2 Thornbacks and 2 sml Turbot also caught, along with plenty of Mackerel. Another Happy Crew."
Dave on the money... ( 22 August)
I had this report in last night from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance (01797 363544) fame...
"A Beautiful day to be afloat. Dave Foggy Robinson aboard today, wanting to evade the Bream today, we anchored on the Bank of many Species, 2 sml Turbot, 2 Thornbacks, a Tope, Blond Ray and a Bass, missed a few good bites ! Well done Dave. ......Happy Days."
The sun's out, bream out... ( 20 August)
I had this just in from Anthony out on Peganina from Rye... "Hi all, Lots of bream flying aboard today! Tomorrow I have space on a wrecking trip leaving at 6am then in the afternoon a short 4 hour trip in the bay leaving at half 2 perfect for the kids drop me a text If you fancy it. 07989778361 Cheers Ant"
Oh yes he has been busy... ( 14 August) I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina from Rye...Sorry I have not been doing many reports been flat out here are a few of the fish we been to Ibiza for few days so catch you all next week!! 
I had this report in from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness... "Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness What better way to spend your Honeymoon, than a day out Bream Fishing on the Fairchance, Lovely Day and Lovely Couple. Happy Days."
Loads of Bream, great evening ( 2 August)
I saw this from Ant posted on facebook last night...Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye..."This little lady on fire tonight catching loads of bream I not even had to help lol"
Brilliant double on Peganina (27 July)
I just had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...Absolutely amazing effort from my lads today fishing wasn’t easy and for most of the day it was driving rain but perseverance payed off biggest pollock of the day 87cm and over 13lb!
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye..."Lost count of the bream but plenty to be had, also had plaice, wrasse, red Gurnard, tub Gurnard, coddling, pouts, mackerel, scad, red mullet, thornback, smooth hound, doggies and pollock! Fish of the day for me was this crash diving 84cm monster pollock tipping the scales at just over 13lb!!"
Some nice bream and bass...(24 July)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on 'Peganina' (07989778361) from Rye... "Been an absolutely mental couple of weeks and I haven’t taken many photos but here are a few that I managed to take!!!"
Plenty of tope for Fairchance...(24 July)
I had this report in from Jerry Oiller of 'Fairchance' fame launching from Dungeness..."Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness Simon NEWMAN and the Essex Duo aboard today, chasing Tope, Simon managed to land 2 30 lb plus specimens, only 1 other caught about 15lb, dropped a couple more a lovely day to be afloat. Happy Days."
I saw this posted by Jerry Oiller of 'Fairchance' fame launching from Dungeness..."Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 DungenessLocal lads in the Boat today, and a good mixed bag, 7 Codling, 8 Pollock, 2 strap congers a Thornback and 21 Black Bream, Plenty of Mackerel. Eleven Species in all. Tight Lines and Happy Days. — with Darren Brooks.
"A very happy Scot with his new 72lb PB eel and a very relived MR Newman that his shock leader knot held!! Very challenging trip with an absolutely raging tide using 2lb 12oz of lead too just hold the bottom and resulting in a nail biting 10 minute battle - I actually couldn’t watch as the 50lb ugly stick bent double as the very pissed off eel made every attempt to avoid coming to the boat!! It was netted, weighed in sling and swam away lovely!!!
Not just bigger...plenty of them (10 July)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Well done Dennis and his gang for a tough two days of eeling best one today was approx 46lb!"
Yes they are getting bigger... (9 July)
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Best eel of today was approx 51lb, lost a really good fish half way up too - can’t be much longer till we get in the three figure club...."
Mmm a 4lb Lobster...tasty... (9 July)
I saw this post last night from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame (01797 363544) launching from Dungeness...
"Bisley Old Boys, in the Boat today, Top Rod was Tony Hudson with 3 Pollock, 5 caught in all, and a Dozen Bream, also a nice 4 lb Lobster."
What a cracking photo... (8 July)
I had this report in from Anthony today out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
I had this report in late last night from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Last two days have been pretty tough on the wrecks. Our best conger yesterday was 45lbs and today we managed to find a few more bream along with small codling and pollock - hopefully it improves when the tide cuts again. Photo is of Nigel with a lovely brace of bream!"
Another great day for Jerry... (7 July)
This report came in last night from Jerry Oiller of 'Fairchance' fame (01797 363544) out from Dungeness..."Ashford s Bream Team aboard today, 16 caught in all, the best going to Sue 2lb 6oz" and calm all week... (2 July)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Another lovely afternoon afloat. I have spaces on wrecking trips going Thursday, Friday and Saturday! As some of you know rye is tidal so this means Thursday trip will be 1400 til 2230 Friday's will be 1400 til 2300 Saturday Is 0500 til we get bored! Give us a shout if you fancy a trip cheers"

This report came in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina from Rye...
"Some cracking pollock on today’s trip"
Tasty, poisonous yes...but tasty (28 June)
There have been a lot of reminders concerning the 'terror' of the Lesser Weever, this little fish that we find on the beaches can give you a nasty sting from its dorsal fin or gill plate covers. But its big brother the 'Greater Weever' we can catch afloat are not so poisonous. I saw this post from Doug Martin...
"While looking through some photos from last autumn I came across this one, it’s of a 30cm plus greater weaver that I caught off of Dover. It was caught on a fillet and release basis, the fillets were pan fried in butter seasoned with black pepper and sea salt. While filleting I would suggest a stout pair of gloves until the dorsal fin and gill plates are disposed of!"
Great day to be afloat... (25 June)
I had this report in from Anthony this afternoon of today's effort out on Peganina (0798977361) from Rye...
"7 eels and a nice little show of bream, bit slow on cod and pollock but still a lovely day on the water!"
Some great fishing to be had... (24 June)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (0798977361) from Rye...
"Some of the fish caught in last two days - I have space on tomorrow's wrecking trip leaving at 8am, £60 each max of 8 on the boat and couple of spaces on Friday's trip leaving at 10am. Cheers"
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness
The Fishing was a bit slow today, Plenty of Ebb Tide, managed to boat 4 or 5
thornback, and a Tope of about 20 lb, caught by Luke. Happy Days."
"I just destroyed the boat record by 14lb landing this 84lb monster! Absolutely nails fight - took me from top to the bottom 4 times. My TLD25 full clutch and thumb to keep it out the wreck!! ABSOLUTELY BUZZING!!! Fish swam off lovely too! Plus massive thanks to the crew for netting it for me!!!"
"Finally after a lot waiting the little silver darlings are here!!!!!! Also had strap conger, cod and pollock!!!"
The numbers are growing... (12 June)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Keith with the best codling from today - very encouraging to see them starting to make a bit of a comeback!!"
Jaws..Jason needs a bigger boat (10 June)
I had this report in last night from Jason Adams out on 'Sea Otter' from Dungeness...
"36lb Tope caught today by Brian on half a fresh mackerel downtide! Congratulations mate!"
What a cracker...beautiful fish (9 June)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye today...
"A very a happy Jack today - lovely 10lb cod. The photo doesn't do the fish any justice!"...Ant told me the fish was in immaculate condition and fought all the way up.
Tom's smile says it all... (4 June)
I had this report in from yesterday from Steve Savage...
"Hi Tony, photo of Tom and his 11.5 lb pollock caught out from the Varne Boat Club on the 1st June."
Hard work pays off... (3 June)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye today...
"Best fish of a tough day afloat but we didn’t give up and found a few in the end!!"
So nice to see well done Quinton (28 May)
I saw this report in tonight from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness.
Only 2 crew aboard today, 1 or 2 Pollock a Bass and Quinton Taylor with a 5lb Codling."
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye today...
"Young Graham was top rod today cracking fish!"
Becky Lee...a Cornish holiday...(27 May)
I had this report in from Becky Lee yesterday evening...
"Slow day today on lo kie adventures out of Penzance with Kieren Faisey. But some very good fish none the less. Conger to 35lb, pollack to 10lb, cod to 8lb plus other species like smooth hound, poor cod, cuckoo wrasse, red gurnard, grey gurnard, dogfish, coalfish and a PB and my first ever Couches Bream of 7lb Caught on peeler which has made my trip. Third biggest ever on the charter down here and best fighting fish I have had in English waters."
A good day for Andrew, nice mix...(27 May)
I had this report in yesterday from Andrew Buss out with Jerry Oiller of Fairchance (01797 363544) fame from Dungeness...
"Hi Tony, I fished from the Fairchance today with local lads. I Caught my first tope estimated at 30lbs. It took head half of fresh mackeral. Also had my first boat codling. So 3 codling, 5 pollock, 1 tope a few mackeral and the usual whiting and doggies caught today. photos to follow if i can work out how."
A cracking fish...with teeth...(26 May)
I saw this report yesterday from Jerry Oiller...well done Darren lovely tope...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness Top Rod today was Darren Brooks, with a 35lb Tope.— with Darren Brooks.
Another beautiful bass for Cliff...(24 May)
I had this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame...
"Fairchance Today 01797 363544 Dungeness, Essex Angler Cliff Mills, with a 8 lb 8 oz Bass, a dozen or So Plaice also caught."
What a cracking fish today...(24 May)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Best pollock from today’s wrecking trip."
I had this report in last night from Jerry Oiller of 'Fairchance fame' fishing from Dungeness...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness.
They do exist ! .Top Angler today was Phil Jones, with a plump 4 lb codling, had 5 smaller ones, that were returned and 3 or 4 pollock on the drift. Happy Days."
Not every day is a winner (20 May)
I had this report in last night from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) out from Rye...
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) today from Rye...six smiling faces says it all...
Strange can this be true...(16 May)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) today from Rye...he could be right..."Managed 4 more unicorns - very encouraging to see! The smallest was about 5 inches - are they making a come back???????"
You never know...(15 May)
I had this report in this evening from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) today from Rye...lovely day..."Best unicorn of season today just over 5lbs".

I saw this report posted by Jerry Oiller last night...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness.
Bisley Angling Club, aboard today managed to Boat 10 Pollock, The best being caught by Tony Hudson at just over 7 lb, Thornback and Smooth Hound also caught."
Fun in the sun for the kids... ( 07 May)
I had this report in from Darren Cruickshank...
"Much better day on the Plaice this afternoon. Tim was top rod with around 20."
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) yesterday from Rye...
"Hooked three and landed 2 small straps. Had some cracking bites considering the time of year - very encouraging also had a couple of codling and 7 pollock!!"
Cracking weather...lots of miles ( 29 April)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Lovely day afloat but fishing was a bit depressing if I am honest lots of miles of searching for turbots with no joy, still managed 9 species lots of mackerel, skates, a hound, pollocks, greater weevers, gurnards, herring, pouts and whiting tho."
Is anybody up for it... ( 27 April)
I just had this in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Due to a cancellation I now have tomorrow free does anybody want to go try for a ray and some hounds (maybe drift a couple of wrecks) leaving at 10 am wind dropping away all the time!"
Beautiful day for a plaice or two ( 20 April)
I had this report in this morning from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Few more plaice yesterday unfortunately I picked a rope up at the start of the trip so was restricted to 4kts making the day hard work. I have a couple of spaces on tomorrow's Plaice fishing trip if any one fancy’s it. Cheers"
Mixed bag for Kevin... ( 19 April)
I had this report in last night from Ken Hicks fishing out of Rye on Wednesday...
"Hi Tony got out yesterday 17/04 with fine sunshine as we left the harbour but fog got thicker the further we went out and stayed overcast and gloomy most of day (unlike bright sunshine in land !!, people don't believe you when you get back and they say you must have had a lovely day in the sun)
I had this report in from Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Fine day at sea!"
A bit 'nippy' but worth it... ( 13 April)
I saw this report from Jerry Oiller of Fairchance fame launching from Dungeness beach today...
"Fairchance fishing today 01797 363544 Dungeness
Only 2 crew aboard today, Shirley Codling and Foggy Robinson, managed to boat 12 Pollock, and a few Thornbacks, Foggy could catch them 2 at a time, Happy Days."
I had this report in tonight from Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) launching from has been tough going...but well done Ian for putting one back...
"Ian with his new Pb squid on today’s trip didn’t weigh it as it was returned as soon as the photo was taken!!"
Tough going but fish are there ( 09 April)
I had this report in from Anthony this evening out on Peganina (07989778361) launching from Rye...
"Russel with his best plaice from today’s trip"
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) launched from Rye...
"Had some lovely big Grunters (tub gurnards) on today’s trip - another species I’d associate with summer. Won’t be long until the bream are on their way!"
Plenty of plaice today...( 06 April)
I just had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) launched from Rye...
Well its good news from April the first until the last day of October we can take one (sizeable 42cm) bass a day so lets see if the bass come out to play this weekend...
Just in case you have forgotten what a bass looks like, here is a picture of one caught on Anthony's boat Peganina last year...
More superb pollack...( 30 March)
I had this report in this afternoon from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Some of the pollock caught on today wrecking trip."
I had this report in from Kevin Hicks this morning...
"Hi Tony
I had this report from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...hard going but great weather to be afloat...
"Another tough day afloat trying different areas, but on the plus side we did find a few strings of mackerel - summers coming!!"
Flat calm...and more flatfish...( 28 March)
Anthony was out today on Peganina out of Rye (07989778361)...
"Few more spotty ones today and hit the absolute mother load of flat dog fish (thorn backs) in the middle of today's trip - one every drop! Still got space on tomorrow's plaice trip, leaving at 8am! Weather looks stunning like today not a breath of wind!"
Great spring (plaice) weather...( 27 March)
I had this report in from Anthony from last weekend...
"Bit of a late report from last weekend - few plaice starting to show, no monsters but the ones we found were in great condition! Have space Friday, Saturday and Sunday for offshore wrecking. Cheers"
What a cracking pollack...( 18 March)
I had this report in tonight from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361)...
I had this report in this evening from Jerry Oiller of 'Fairchance' fame (01797 363544) out from Dungeness...
"A good show for a Skate in the East Bay today, 14 caught in all."
"Hi Tony, Local lads aboard today, managed 6 or 7 small Pollock on the wrecks down East, 6 Thornback at Anchor and a fine Tub Gurnard for Darren Brooks."
Rock & Roll on the way back ( 02 March)
I had this report from Anthony this evening...
"Boys did amazing today considering storm Freya was doing her best to ruin our day - good day afloat!!"
Great day for catching a few rays ( 19 Feb)
I saw this report posted on facebook this morning by Jason Adams out on Sea Otter (07772708317) from Dungeness...
"Hi Tony , spring is on its way, crew managed to scratch out 7 Plaice in the West Bay, the best going 1 lb 10 oz, then a few drifts over the wrecks for 1 or 2 small Pollock, Luke landing the best at 4 lb 8 oz. Regards Jerry. O."
Early spring conditions, wrecking ( 16 Feb)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Hard work pays off best pollock was over 10lb"
Peganina has a new skipper...( 04 Feb)
This report came in to me last night from Kris Hatton...
"Hi Tony went out with your lad today great skipper but the fish where not there I think a lot of the boats out there had the same problem....Ant let my boy skipper the boat on the way home that made his day, also Ant had a lot of time for my lad even tho he was on Ants case all the time !!! I took some pics and a video thought you would like to see tell Ant thanks."
I had this report emailed in tonight from Jerry Oiller...out on 'Fairchance' (01797363544) from Dungeness toughing it out on some bracing weather...
"Hi Tony, Dan P Dave Knot, and Shirley Codling aboard today, Scratched out 6 Thornback and a Spur dog at just over 10lb Regards Jerry O"
Well hello 2019...( 31 Dec)
Here's wishing you all a tremendous 2019, we all have our dreams of a great catch in 2019, that the fun of just don't know whats out there...keep dreaming.
Last minute...dawn patrol ( 28 Dec)
I had this in from Anthony of Peganina (07989778361) a few minutes ago...
"Had 5 cancelled for tomorrow, now I have picked another 3 making 4 but still couple more spaces if anyone fancy’s it. Leaving at half 6 give me text if wanna go. Cheers Ant"
You would get a decent fillet off... ( 27 Dec)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye yesterday...
No cod but some decent whiting...
"Best whiting from Wednesday inshore trip nearly 3lbs"

What a great Christmas present... ( 25 Dec)
I had this report in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...Great to be afloat with my boys on Christmas day, Anthony & Robert ideal present...
Very hard work and lots of tide today - got up to 2 and half lb of lead but perseverance paid off and we got our Christmas Day congers. Merry Christmas to all! P.s I've got a couple of spaces tomorrow still and on Friday/Saturday as well - might be wrecking at the weekend too. Give me a text on 07989778361 Cheers Ant
Better late than never... ( 16 Dec)
I had a message from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Sorry for late report, fishing on Friday was bit challenging due to there being a bit more wind than forecast. Highlight for me was a great run of channel whiting biggest going at 1lb 12oz, had a couple of thornys and lovely little blonde too And still catching mackerel. I have spaces next Friday, Saturday and Sunday too if any one fancies it."
Blonde rays make the day... ( 11 Dec)
I had this report from Simon Newman out with Jerry Oiller on 'Fairchance' ( 01797363544) from Dungeness...
"Hi Tony. A weather window saw us aboard Fair Chance today. We targeted cod and rays. The cod didn't play but we finished with 6 blonde rays to circa 15 lb and a couple of thornback plus a stonking whiting knocking on for 2 lb."
Wind makes fish, if you can get out ( 2 Dec)
I just snatched this photo of Ant Hills Peganina of his facebook page...looking at the current weather forecast...(except for Tuesday)...if you want to get afloat...keep an eye open for a 'weather window'.

Just wait till the wind drops...( 26 Nov)
I had this report just in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...
"Making the best of the last day of fine weather. Loads of fish all day, unfortunately only the 1 codling caught by myself fishing uptide on straight lug, also had a lovely spur."
I had this report in tonight in from Anthony out on Peganina (07989778361) from Rye...